Dynamics of Atmosphere
- Dynamics of a rotating system, Vorticity
- Laws of conservation and governing motions of Atmosphere
- Scale analyses of Equation of Motions of Atmosphere.
- Inertial flow, geostrophic and gradient winds, thermal wind. Divergence and vertical motion Rossby, Richardson, Reynolds and Froude numbers.
Physical Meteorolgy
- Thermodynamics of Dry Atmosphere
- Thermodynamics of moist atmosphere (Clausius – Clapeyron equation, adiabatic process of moist air; thermodynamic diagrams: Hydrostatic equilibrium: Hydrostatic equation)
- Radiation basic laws (Emission and absorption of terrestrial radiation), Rayleigh and Mie Scattering,
Surface layer and PBL Processes
Monsoon Dynamics
- Dynamics of South-west monsoon
- Semi-permanent features of SW Monsoon
- Monsoon transients (lows, depressions, MTC)
- Monsoon Intra-seasonal Oscillation (ISOs)
- Orographic rainfall in monsoon
- Large scale drivers of SW Monsoon
Introduction to Numerical Weather Prediction
Introduction to Climate Model and representation of Physical Processes
Tropical Cyclones: Global climatology, Cyclogenesis, Role of ocean on Cyclogenesis, Physical processes during intensification, maturity, dissipation and landfall