- Biodiversity and Ecosystem:
- Introduction: Elements and levels of biodiversity and its significance;
- Ecosystems and ecosystem diversity: Components of an Ecosystem, Food Chains and Food Web;
- Important units of conservation: natural units and legally declared units;
- Biodiversity Conservation: Relevance, Extinction of species, IUCN Red Data List, Different Schedules of Wildlife (Protection) Act;
- Examples of Ecosystem Conservation: Mangroves, Coral and Coral reefs, Wetlands, Saline desert of Little Rann of Kachchh, Grasslands;
- Case study discussions about extinction of important species
- Policies and Legal framework for obtaining environmental clearances for developmental projects
- Evolution of Policy and legal framework related to the rights and privileges of local communities- Panchayats (Extension to Scheduled Areas) Act (PESA), 1996, Forest Rights Act 2006;
- Introduction to important laws for conservation of forests, wildlife, biodiversity, environment etc.;
- Legal framework for obtaining environmental clearances for developmental projects
- Sustainable Development
- Concept, United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and Targets;
- Sustainable Development, Biodiversity conservation and community; Stakeholders, Social, Economic and Political process vis a vis Conservation;
- Sustainable Development for a wildlife landscape- Man-animal conflicts, wildlife friendly infrastructure and development;
- Dependence of local communities on Natural resources; Joint Forest Management, Participatory Approaches to the management of Forests and Wildlife;
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